How We Serve
Service Projects
KotK loves to connect with Gospel-centered ministries and see what projects will enhance their mission. From there, we build a team suited for the project and plan for what we can reasonably accomplish with the time and resources available. This creates opportunities for members of the Church to serve the Kingdom and get them connected to the ministries on the front lines!
When a KotK supported ministry has a special need, we explore possible fundraising events. One example is a motorcycle ride to raise money to buy a motorcycle for a church planter in India. There are many creative ways to engage the public and have fun to raise funds for the Kingdom!
The body of Christ is a global organism and we honor Him best by working together in unity for His glory. As followers of Jesus, each of us has a network that can be leveraged to see the Kingdom advance - let’s do it intentionally for the King’s sake and for His glory!