The Knights of The Kingdom exists to glorify God through building up the global body of believers by providing skilled teams to serve ministry needs, conduct training, and augment special projects all while establishing enduring relationships with church and parachurch organizations.


The Knights of The Kingdom is a non-denominational Christian network focused on mobilizing skilled teams to empower the local church and parachurch organizations by serving ministry needs, conducting training, and augmenting special projects at no cost to the receiving ministry. 


Serve the King - In all things we seek to humbly serve Jesus, our King.  Through this service we glorify Him by pointing all attention towards Him and carrying out His great commission.

Build the Church - Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to empower the global body of believers.  We use the gifts that we have been blessed with to strategically build up Church and parachurch operations that are glorifying God through their Kingdom work.   

Advance the Kingdom - The recipients of the outreach will be in a stronger position to share the Gospel which, in turn, creates more opportunities for people to be reconciled to a right relationship with the King.  The participants in the outreach will gain a new perspective on how God is working in various facets of His Kingdom and will, in turn, grow in their relationship with Him.

Core Values