Turmoil and instability in our nation creates an uncertain future. Haiti’s history is one of enduring challenges, but we look forward with hope. Our observation is that young people who have toady become harmful elements in our society were denied the opportunity to attend school. According to some of these youth, their parents, leaders, and churches are to blame for not making education a priority. If yesterday’s innocent becomes today’s instigator, what action must we take?
With the ongoing unrest in Haiti, the youth have never been in greater need of foundational Christian education. Institution Mixte Bouqets D’Enfants (IMBE) is a Christian school for children with a dynamic and competent staff who are investing in the lives of these precious girls and boys. Our objective is to improve the learning conditions of these children whose parents are unable to send them to school. We aim to educate, guide, and train them so they can become capable and dignified members of our society.
Located in Santo (9 km from the Port au Prince International Airport), IMBE is strategically located in the major population center of the country. We energetically seek to realize the vision of building a healthy community of educated youth that will one day solidify the well-being and stability of Haiti. We believe, as Proverbs 22:6 states, that we should “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”
You can make a difference today. With your support, IMBE can continue this work we have started and continue to solidify the foundation being established for our students. Our needs include salary for our teachers, costs for student materials, and minimal overhead costs to keep our school running. Will you partner with us as we share the love of Jesus and provide an education for the future leaders of Haiti? Jesus said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:14)
Providing critical educational opportunities for Haitian children in an uplifting Christian environment!
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